Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Blue Devil

Nature = Active
Price = @ 60000-75000

Blue Devil slender-bodied fish, similar body structure weight of a fish tilapia. The whole body of the dominant fish is colored bright blue, sometimes accompanied dots - white dots. At the end of the dorsal fin there is usually a black dot. located dipangkal fins.
As the name implies, this fish is a fish that is very active. These fish are often seen swimming rapidly chasing food or just play - play with the flock. Although the move is very agile, these fish generally tend to rarely bother other fish, perhaps because of its small size, this fish is very suited to looking for a beginner or aquaris who want to try the quality of sea water, because in addition to the relatively very inexpensive price, this fish also possess the power extraordinary survival.


Name = Nemo padang (ocellaris Clownfish)
Class = Clown Fish
Nature = Cute
Price = @ 10000-15000

Who is not familiar with nemo fish? Fish that are white and orange color of the body is increasingly popular since aired on the big screen a few years ago. In Indonesia lebif familiar called clown fish or clownfish. Unlike in the movie finding nemo where the hero was having trouble finding her way home, in real life, nemo fish actually have rediscovered the greatness of his home despite her abject miles miles away. And this talent was already grown since nemo fish size is still small.


Indonesian Name: Dakocan
English Name: Three Spot dascyllus,

Price : Rp.5.000
Latin Name: Dascyllus fri
Classification: Order Perciformes, Familia Pomacantridae

Betok (Pamacanfridae) that contained colorful coral, coral, such as the same shape ciclid betokpun only one nostril and in front of the anal fin has two fin spiny fan. Betok Dakocan (Dascyllus trimaculatus), its body flattened and looked from side rounded and impressive muddy. And jet-black body color with three white spots, one didahi and one on each side of her body. These spots disappeared after the adult. Length rarely exceeds 15 cm. In the aquarium betok look good when placed in groups.

Napoleon Fish (Cheilinus undulatus)

Napoleon Fish (Cheilinus undulatus) is called an Australian by the name of Hump Head Wrasse Maori, who are distinguished as part of his face had strokes that resemble the face of Maori decoration. Strokes are cream-colored (yellow milk) overlapping on the nose and cheeks, then spread to the upper body and the opposite end of the pectoral fin. Her body was gilded with bright green color and at the top all-around fin fins brown. The length of this fish can reach 1.5 meters. And some fish can reach sizes up to 180 kg at the age of 50 years.

Price: Rp.350.000 til 400 000